Clip of Lizzie pointing to the computer monitor. The yellow circle follows the mouse pointer. The video appears with editing information. Screen recording of Lizzie’s computer of YouTube list of videos, yellow circle appears over “Edit” button as the mouse pointer clicks on it. In Facebook, you’ll upload the same video you have for YouTube, and use the same caption file. I will also show you how to download the caption file from YouTube and use it for Facebook. I plan to show you how to caption a video and what the process looks like. LIZZIE: Okay! I uploaded a video to YouTube already. Lizzie is in her office with the computer monitor in the background. [VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: “HOW TO CAPTION YOUR VIDEO” in white text and “WITHOUT SOUND.” In light blue text. NAD Leadership Training Conference 2021Īre you curious how we caption our online videos? Lizzie explains how! Will you caption your videos? #Accessibility #TipTuesday #NADtip.Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers.State Association and Affiliate Committee.